ECCLESIOLOGICAL ETCHINGS November 3, 2019 Scripture: Romans 12:5 In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other. Thought for the Day: Recently, I had someone ask, “What would the church be without the people?” I cannot predetermine exactly what God would do, but I’m pretty sure the church would no longer be the church. Have there been people in the church who have been a headache? Yes! Have I been a headache to others in the church? Yes! But I would not change the composition of the church for anything. I love the funny, often odd, convergence of humanity…people who would otherwise never come alongside one another. In a world where children rarely get to spend time with adults who are not related or not paid to hang out with them, the church provides this wonderful opportunity to encounter and spend time with “old people” who love Jesus. And the opposite is true as well. Simply put, the church offers community that very few organizations and agencies offer. If for no other reason, it puts saintly people in front of us. Twice in the last couple of weeks I have said with a grin on my face, “I know I am to be the professional pastor of this church, but I have really come to love these people.” It’s true! Through times that are both good and hard, beautiful and tragic, we hangout with each other, support one another, love these magnificent and mixed up human beings who gather with us. Because of this community, I have been privileged to walk near, watch and even receive blessing from those who truly live as God’s saintly folks. Now by their very nature, they would not have owned the title. But again, that’s what makes (and made) their lives such a gift. Prayer: For all the saints living on earth and those living with you, Lord God, I offer a shout full of praise and thanksgiving. For all the holy lives my life has brushed against, I express my deepest gratitude. For all the folks like me just trying to figure out how to love a little like Jesus, and in their doing have blessed me, I say, “Thank you!” May your church continue to be the meeting place for those of us who need to encounter some of the diverse faithfulness found among those who are trying to be Jesus followers. Amen. DON’T FORGETYou get an extra hour
AuthorRev. Bruce Frogge Archives
February 2025