ECCLESIOLOGICAL ETCHING Thought for the Day: Something happened in that moment as people from every culture and nation and background found common ground, a sacred space where all divisions disappeared. I’ve often said that’s the goal of the church. We are called to be the community where our presence, through the gift of the Holy Spirit, helps to create sacred space. With that said, there will be some who suggest that they are not welcome. They will get mad because they feel excluded. Yet let’s be clear, their feeling of exclusion comes from the fact that they don’t like the idea of everyone else finding peace and welcome through the power of the Holy Spirit. They’d rather have a more exclusive club, where there is a clear delineation between US and THEM. That’s tough, especially as a pastor of a church striving to live into the Love First Life. I have participated in powerful moments when the Holy Spirit has created sacred space, when people found a whole new capacity through the power of love. Where divisions and exclusions once existed, healing and joyful community were found. Sadly, some sit on the outside not wanting to participate. They cannot imagine why God has welcomed “those” people. It is hard, yet I think our task is to maintain that sacred space to the best of our ability, while making sure the door is always wide open for those who would like to test the sacred space where the radical and redemptive love of God rules all things. Prayer: Wherever your Spirit is at work, O Lord, may I recognize the sacredness of that space. And as my eyes are open to such moments, help me to see how your Holy Presence has already made all space sacred. I desire to be one who lives my life in that conviction. Amen. TODAY’S WORSHIP SERVICE via WordPress
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AuthorRev. Bruce Frogge Archives
February 2025