ECCLESIOLOGICAL ETCHINGS Thought for the Day: Immediately after the Magi headed home, we find Joseph packing up the family and moving to Egypt. It was probably good that they had received gifts, making the trip and their extended stay away from home possible. Because the story is limited to a few verses, and it sits as a transitional piece in the larger narrative, it is often read with some nostalgia, almost romanticizing the journey. Now I wasn’t there, but even with the sudden increase in their net value as a family, the trip had to have been frightening. What would it be like to be forced from home, traveling a long distance to a strange land? Though most of us don’t have a clue, there are so many refugees in the world today who have been forced from their homes and their land because of war, violence, drug cartels, droughts, etc. Today, as we read these words in Matthew’s Gospel, let us spend a few moments in prayer for all those who this day are fleeing for their lives. Prayer: God of All Creation, Creator of every human being, allow us a glimpse into the fear and suffering of so many in our world. Through this awareness, may true compassion emerge, a compassion that refuses to ignore the plight of those, who like the Christ Child, have been forced to seek safety away from home. Amen. via WordPress
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AuthorRev. Bruce Frogge Archives
February 2025